DNA was discovered by Francis Crick. DNA, the full form for which Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the molecule of life. This is the material present in all humans and other beings that leads to heredity. In literal terms, this is the code on which humans are made. The structure of this DNA helix was first presented in the year 1962 when science reached a different ultimatum in biological studies.

Francis Crick as a scientist possessed immense love for mathematics, physics, and chemistry. He undertook his education at the University of London which greatly shaped his approach towards the subjects. Over time he broadened his scope of learning and included biology, organic chemistry, protein structure, and x-ray diffraction technology as fields of expertise. He then continues to pursue his career along with James Watson and together they discovered DNA. He continued his professional career in various institutions and authored a couple of books in later years.
DNA is the blueprint of human life. It determines what we look like, how we function, and what our characteristics will be. From the strengths and weaknesses of a human body to the diseases a person may acquire over his lifetime are all encoded in DNA. DNA structures code as genes in the human body. The choice of which genes operate in which cells determines the cell’s type: brain, liver, skin, and all others. The journey of a human starts with DNA from both parents mingling to form an entity. The discovery of DNA answered a lot of questions about human beings and their existence is of great vitality to the world at large.

The discovery of DNA did not limit its progress as, after this significant invention, RNA which stands for Ribonucleic Acid was discovered. Following these, the scientists became aware of the possible diseases which are somehow related to DNA. For example, Down’s syndrome was recognized and from then its proper treatments were also being introduced. The recent age saw the infamous cloning procedure which also resulted in a sheep named Dolly which was first cloned from an adult cell. This was obviously an integrated part of the Human Genome Project which was later extended as well. One cannot predict the dimensions of the progress they can witness with the help of DNA and its related subjects.